On Saturday, January 13th a group consisting of Mark McNally (president), Jon Howell (vice president), Jim Schroeder (Treasurer), Ken Johnson (Web Administrator) and David Castillo (Alum) addressed the following considerations:
1. Jim Schroeder was nominated and elected to the position of Treasurer. Jim is a Past President of the Active Chapter and interested in the continuity of Phi Chi Epsilon on campus and the relationship between the Active and Alumni Chapters. He will provide an annual report at a future date.
2. The issue of philanthropic donations was not recognized in the interest of addressing more urgent considerations.
3. The issue of dues/revenue requirements and Alumni participation was addressed. The consensus opinion is that our dues ($50 per year) are not excessive and we would encourage all to participate in the financial support of our Fraternity. It must be recognized that $30 of those dues are the result of required Insurance, required by the UWW administration for campus groups. The cost that we incur is a minimal billing amount because of the size of the Active Chapter. Following will be more comments on suggested actions.
4. The Warner/Phi Chi Epsilon Scholarship Fund continues to increase. The valuation and amount due will be available in March each year. We received estimates of a minimum scholarship amount of $1000 for the coming year. The Active Chapter and their adviser Dr. Elizabeth Watson have been advised of the amount as well as the application date limit of February 21st and the use it or lose it provision of the Foundation. Details when available will posted in the Financials.
5. The MARCH TO 100. With this event still three years away the conversation was limited to the question of timing. It was resolved that if the 2021 Homecoming was later than mid-October we would select a HOME date as early in the season as possible. Typically, we have the schedule by June and can make activity decisions at that point. We recognize that we have a hard time drawing Alum to late season dates. Additionally, we might have better opportunities for venues and don’t compete with the flocks of snow birds leaving for warmer weather.