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 Phi Chi Veterans



List of Brothers that have served our country

 If you wanted to be added to this list contact Ron Bailey (561-351-6786)

Note: This data will be updated once a month, from information entered into your Profile-Club Question area-
last update 8/12/2023

Brother Veterans Branch of Service Veterans Date of Service Veterans Rank Veterans Duty Stations
Ackerman, Ralph US Army PFC E3 Korea
Alvarez, Dan United States Marine Corp 1965 - 10/71 Sergeant E-5 Basic - San Diego. Inspector - Camp Pendelton, CA
Amend, Laurence US Army Signal Agency
Anderson, Arlan Army 1958-1961 corpal State Side
Arfsten, Dennis US Air Force Korea & Vietnam
Bailey, Ronald US Army 1968-70 SP5E5 Basic Training Ft. Campbell, KY, Infantry AIT Ft. Polk, LA 'Tigerland', 2nd Infantry Division Korea (2/23d Mechanized Infantry)
Baker, Dale US Navy
Barker, Dennis US Navy 1963 - 1967 E-50 Norfolk, VA, & New Port, RI (USS John D. Weeks & Fred T. Barry) Vietnam '65-'67
Bathke, H. Paul Army 3/65-2/67 SP5E5 249th General Hospital, Toyko Japan
Beilke, Steve US Army 1999 Iraq
Bertram, William US Army 82nd Airbourne Div 1955 - 1957 Fulda, Germany.
Bowen, Glenn US Army WWII & Korea Colonel
Castaneda, Oscar Marines 10/89 - 1/94
Cimarosti, Jerry Army 1962-1964 cpl Fort Sill Ok.
Cox, Gary Marines 1992 - Current Major 0-4 (prior E-5 before accepting commission) NC, CA, VA, MO, Japan, and Iraq
Crary, Charles Wisconsin Army National Guard 1961-1965 Specialist 4 E4 Ft. Lewis Washington
Demichei, David US Army Air Corp 11/42 - 12/45 SSG E-6 Saipan 30th Bomb Group, 7th Air Force (Bombed Iwo Jima WWII)
Dresen, Joseph Navy Pacific - WWII
DuPaul, Gil US Navy - Retired 1967-1987 Lt. Commander Great Lakes, IL; Pensacola, FL; Raleigh, NC; Guam; Monterey, CA; Norfolk, VA (Naval Flight Officer-EA-3B, EP-3, EA-6B)
Eichinger, Kevin US Army '68 - '70 SP4E4 Basic Training, Ft. Campbell, KYInfantry AIT, Ft. Polk, LA 'Tigerland'2nd Infantry Division, Korea (2/23d Mechanized Infantry)
Fisher, William Army Fort Richardson, Alaska
Gabrysiak, Larry US Army 1959 - 1965 E-4 Ft. Bliss, TX & Waukesha Nike site 4 yrs National Guard
Gauerke, Donald US Army 1967-69 SP4E4 NY & Vietnam (MP)
Goetsch, Harold Army Air Corp 1942 - 1945 WWII - B-17 Tail Gunner, 16 bombing missions in Europe, POW 8 months
Goniu, Richard US Army 6/66 - 6/68 SP5E5 9th Division Intelligence - Vietnam (Mekong Delta)
Grace, Larry US Army 4/67 - 4/69 E-4 Dalat & Vung Tau
Greenhalgh, Michael US Marine Corps 1969-71
Hackbarth, Matt US Navy Currently on Active Duty 3rd Class Petty Officer Jacksonville
Halazon, Donald US Coast Guard 1972 - 2001 Chief Petty Officier Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
Hansen, Jacob Army 1983-2008 Colonel Fort Lee, VA; Fort Knox, KY; Schofield Barracks, HI; Redstone Arsenal, AL; Baltimore, MD; St. Petersburg, MD; Fort Leavenworth, KS; Monterey, CA; Carlisle, PA; Washington, DC; and scenic Baghdad, Iraq!
Hartzheim, Michael US ARMY Reserves 91-99 NG 01-08 1LT Basic Training and AIT Ft. Dix NJ 1991 Officer Candidate School SD, WI, and WA 2003 Officer Basic Course Ft. Sill OK 2004, 1st CAV Iraq 2004 to 2005
Hauk, Richard U S Navy 01/69 - 07/72 Lt jg OCC- Providence RI, Bureau Naval Personnel Washington, DC
Heinrich, Charles Army & Illinois Air National Guard 4/69 - 4/75 E-5 Ft. Bragg (Basic) Ft. Lee (Quartermaster AIT). O'Hare IAP
Heyrman, Donald US Navy WWII Lieutenant South Pacific
Hilgart, James U.S. ARMY 1968-1970 E-5
Hoffman, Richard Navy 1943 to 1947 Officer Guam
Howell, Jonathan United States Marine Corps 2004 to current E-5 Anti-terrorism Battalion, 4th MEB, Camp Lejeune N.C.
Hrasky, William US Army 1956 - 1959
Hughes, Tom None
Isakson, Richard US Navy 1951-1955 YN1 - E6 USS Barton (DD722) in Korean War
Jacka, Jon US Army Reserves '68-'74 SP5E5 44th General Hospital, Madison, WI. Basic & AIT - Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.
Jaeger, Chris Wisconsin Air National Guard
Jensen, Ken US Army Vietnam, Helicopter Pilot
Jonas, Bob Army '68 - '70 E5 1st Cav - Vietnam
Kalscheur, Richard Army 10/20/54 - 10/4/56 PFC/E3 Ft. Toten, NY & 41st Transportation Co. - Germany
Karges, Laurel US Army Medical Corp Korean War dischage 1953 Captain San Antonio, TX and Franklin, IN
Kavanaugh, James US Army WWII Master Sgt Combat Engineer - WWII in the South Pacific
Koenke, Karl US Army 1958-60 Artillery
Koeppen, Donald US Air Force
Kollross, Michael Army 2/11/66 - 12/7/67 SP4E4 Gelnhausen, Germany
Kral, Ronald US Army - Counter Intelligence Germany
Lange, Richard US Army Air Corp WWII 2nd Lt. 15th Air Force School - B-24 bomber over Germany and Austria in WWII
Langerman, Kyle US Navy Currently on Active Duty Brunswick, Maine & Kaneohe Bay on Oahu, Hawaii (Aviation Ordinanceman)
Larsen, John Marines 1957 - 1960 CA, Guam, NC, Mediterranean
Lunn, Thomas Wisconsin Army National Guard Oct 1968 to October 1974 Sp 5
Magno, Napoleon US Marien
Maurer, Robert US Army '69-'70 (Reserves '70- 76 E-4 Forts Knox, Gordon & Carson (Electronic Repair - Teletype Operator)
May, Robert US Army Reserves 1967-1973 SGT E-5 Basic-Ft. Ord, CA. 84 Div.-Milwaukee & Manitowoc, WI
Meister, Philip Air Force '59-'63 E-5 Staff Sgt Ankara Turkey, Iran & Iraq
Melig, Robert Navy '56 - '60 electronic technision 3rd Class Petty Officer USS Krishna (ARL 38), Little Creek, VA
Morgan, Thomas US Marines
Olson, Craig Army National Guard 1969-1975 E6 Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; Fort Sheridan, IL
Olson, Gerald Navy 1949 -1955
Olson, Philip US Air Force 36656 Master Sergeant Camp Zama, Japan
Patterson, Austin US Air Force 11/68-10/73 Captain Korat, Thailand; Bitburg, Germany
Pence, Bill Wisconsin National Guard 1970-1976 E6 Whitewater National Guard - Red Eye Missile
Petersen, David None None
Phalon, BOB n/a
Piorkowski, Louis US Army Reserve 66 June-72 June Specialist 4 961 Engineer Battalion-Milwaukee
Pupanek, Bill Army Reserve & Navy Reserve 6/93-2/04 & 2004-present Lieutenant Commander Basic - Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Minneapolis, Jacksonville, Camp Lejune, Great Lakes, Camp Smith - Pearl Harbor, Kandahar, AFG
Purdy, David US Army '52-'57 SGT E-5 82nd Airborne & 8224th in Korea
Rice, Terry Wisconsin National Guard 1972 to 1978 E-6 Fort Polk,Louisiana and Fort Sill, Oklahoma
Rodman, George n/a
Rogan, Claude US Navy Air Wing 1951 to 1955 Korea and Ford Island, Hawaii
Roth, Charles US Army 1955 -1975
Salverson, David none none none
Schubert, Mike US Army 2/63 - 2/66 SP5 E5 Fort Devens, MA; Kagnew Station, Asmara, Ethiopia
Schultz, Robert Air Force '56 - '60 A/2c Mississippi, Japan, S. Dakota
Setter, Edwin ARMY 1946 TO 1947 Sgt Japan
Sipolt, Tom US Army 2/64 - 2.5 yrs in Germany
Sonnenberg, Carl US Army Reserves 1965-71
Sprecher, Jerome US Army ( no other info available & is deceased)
Spurgat, Dave US Navy 1962-1972 Lieutenant 2 sea tours & 21 mo. off Vietnam. Vung Tau Vietnam '67 & Coronado & Great Lakes
Stefanik, Dennis US Army 1/69 - 9/70 SP4E4 I Corps Vietnam. Artillery FDC Dong Ha, Phu Bai...ended at DaNang as legal clerk (JAG)
Stieber, Frederick United States Marine Corp WWII
Stodola, Jack US Army 1965 - 1968 1st LT 1/40 Artillary I Corp Viet Nam - Forward Observer
Stori, David Illinois National Guard '64 - '70 Sergeant E-5 1bn/131st Infantry
Strickland, David Army 1961
Theisen, Ronald Army 1969 to 1976 Staff sargent Ft Lewis
Tranchita, Vince Army 1967-1969 SP 4 Hanau, Germany
Valley, Donald Marines 1966-1972 Captain DaNang, Vietnam & Cherry Point, NC (A-6 Intruder Pilot)
Walter, John Marines 8/28/64 - 8/28/68 Sergeant E-5 Camp Pendelton, CA, Okinawa & Chulai
Weber, Rodney US Navy - CB 1957 to 1960 Petie Officer 2nd cl.
Wilcox, Donald US Army '54-'57 & '57-'60 Sgt E-5 32nd National Guard & 3rd ID - Ft. Benning & Bamberg, Germany
Wojtak, Barry US Army 4/68 - 4/70 SP4E4 Ft. Bliss, El Paso, TX & Bangkok, Thailand
Zaremba, Gregory U.S. Army Reserv 1970-1976 E4
Zeman, Robert US Air Force 1951-1955 Albuquerque, NM - Atomic Energy Commission during the Korean War